Faktus Timor-Leste

Friday, October 21, 2016

Self Determination for Western Sahara

                                                       Western Sahara Flag

DILI –  The ambassador of Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SDAR) to Timor – Leste Mohamed Slama BADI continue fight for the self determination of the Western Sahara.

Ambassador Mohamed added, Timor Leste – Sahrawi Republic relation refers to the current and historical relations between the Timor Leste and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR). The SADR was the first state of the World in establishing formal diplomatic relations with Timor – Leste, after its independence on 20 May 2002, in part due to the long – time strong ties and the historical parallels between the two national liberation movementsFRETILIN and POLISARIO. A Sahrawi embassy was opened in Dili in 2010, during Xanana Gusmao's government.

There are many similarities between these two territories, whose peoples have suffered tremendously from the complicity of the international community. Both were invaded in 1975, when each had 0.43% as many people as their aggressive neighbor. Indonesia and Morocco both received quiet military and diplomatic support from the United States and other Western powers because their strategic importance outweighed the rights of the people they occupied. Both territories received increasing UN attention during the 1990s, half-hearted efforts to resolve the situations without contravening the occupiers’ wishes.

“The Sahrawis people and the Timorese people have many similiarities between the Timorese resistance and the Sahrawis resistance”, ambassador Mohamed told to the Timor Post daily, Wednesday (19/10). 

“Both colonial powers decided to withdraw from Western Sahra and from Timor – Leste almost in the same time in 1975 without organize the referendum for self determination”, he said.

On 3rd of June 2016, the Government of Timor-Leste offers condolences on the passing of Mohamed Abdelaziz, President of the Saharan Arab Democratic Republic and champion of the fight for the self-determination of the Sahrawi people. Abdelaziz died on Tuesday after a long battle with illness and before seeing a resolution to the 41-year struggle for the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara. The Government also reaffirms its solidarity with the Sahrawi people, a solidarity arising from common years of struggle.

In 2002, President Abdelaziz visited Timor-Leste and declared “the people of East Timor and the people of Western Sahara are twin peoples” who have “endured the same suffering, made enormous sacrifices, resisted and struggled side by side for their rights to be respected by expansionist neighbors.”

Upon the restoration of Timor-Leste’s independence in 2002 diplomatic relations were immediately established with the Saharan Arab Democratic Republic. On the occasion of Timor-Leste’s welcome as a member of the United Nations, then former president Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão called for “the resumed implementation of the UN plan for a referendum on the Western Sahara's self-determination” noting that “only a just, free and democratic vote like the one held in East Timor can bring to this unjust situation to an end.” This referendum, called for in UN resolutions, is yet to occur.
Timor-Leste accorded full diplomatic representation to the Embassy of the ‘Saharawi Republic’ in Dili, 2010 and continues to raise the plight of the people of Western Sahara. 

Last September in the United Nations General Assembly, Prime Minister, Rui Maria Araújo, again reminded that “the Saharawi people ... continue to be denied their fundamental rights.”

Spokesperson for the Sixth Constitutional Government, Minister of State Agio Pereira noted “at the time of the passing of President Mohamed Abdelaziz Ezzedine, we offer our condolences and reaffirm our strong and enduring solidarity with the people of Western Sahara as they continue to struggle for their inalienable right to self-determination.”

Frente Polisario for never engaging in terrorism, even during the years of guerrilla warfare against Moroccan occupation forces between 1975 and 1991. The Frente Polisario has observed a ceasefire ever since, despite Morocco breaking its promise to allow for a UN-sponsored referendum.

Polisario's proposal sensibly commits it to accepting the results of a referendum whatever it is. If a free and fair referendum resulted in an autonomy agreement over independence, then that too would constitute a legitimate act of self-determination. Outstanding UN Security Council resolutions explicitly call for such a referendum. Unfortunately, Morocco has explicitly ruled out "the possibility for the independence option to be submitted" in any referendum. (oki)

Reporting was written by Raimundos Oki
A version of this article appears in print on October 20, 2016, on page 21 of the Timor Post edition with the headline: Self Determination for Western Sahara.

Povu Sahara Kontinua Luta ba Auto – Determinasaun

Embaixador Sahrawi Democratic Republic (SDAR) ba Timor – Leste, Mohamed Slama BADI iha intervista ho Timor Post iha Delta - Dili, Kuarta 10 Outubro 2015. Foto IST.

DILI – Embaixador Sahrawi Democratic Republic (SDAR) ba Timor – Leste, Mohamed Slama BADI hatete, povu Sahara Osidental kontinua husu apoiu solidariedade ba Timor – Leste hodi bele atinze sira nia luta ba auto – determinasaun iha loron ruma.  

Embaisador Mohamed esplika, Timor Leste hahu relasaun diplomatika ho Sahrawi Democratic Republic (SADR) hafoin loron restasaun independensia iha loron 20 Maio 2002. Liu tiha ida ne’e, mak Republika Demokratika Sahrawi Arabe loke sira nia embaisada iha Dili iha tinan 2010.

Mohamed hatutan, geografikamente, Sahara Osidental lokaliza iha kontinente Afrika (Afrika Norte) ho nia fronteira ho Maroco, Argélia no Mauritânia. Maibe, nia historia luta hanesan ho Timor – Leste nian, tanba Sahara Osidental nia prosesu deskolonizasaun hanesan mos ho Timor-Leste (TL). Sahara Ocidental ho Timor-Leste hetan influencia kolonial husi Península Iberika, Espanha mak ukun Sahara Ocidental no Portugal mak Ukun Timor-Leste. Sahara Osidental okupa husi Espanha iha sekulu 19 no foin husik iha tinan 1975.

Mohammed esplika, historikamnete entre tinan 1975 - 1976, akontese transformasaun rejime sira iha Sahara Osidental no Timor – Leste. Kolonial Portugal sai husi Timor – Leste iha tinan 1975 la fo auto – determinasaun no sitasaun ne’e mos akontese ba povu Sahara Osidental. Kolonial Espanha sai husi Sahara Osidental la fo prosesu auto – determinasaun. Hafoin Portugal abandona Timor – Leste, Indonesia invade kedas nasaun ne’e no bainhira Espanha abandona Sahara Osidental, Maroco invade kedas nasaun Sahara Osidental. 

“The Sahrawis people and the Timorese people have many similiarities between the Timorese resistance and the Sahrawis resistance”, hatete embaixador Mohamed Slama BADI ba Timor Post iha embaixada Sahrawi Democratic Republic, Delta – Dili, Kuarta (19/10).

Nia hatutan, Sahara Osidental uluk okupa husi administrasaun kolonial Espanha, entretantu, Timor – Leste okupa husi administrasaun kolonial Portugal.

“Both colonial powers decided to withdraw from Western Sahra and from Timor – Leste almost in the same time in 1975 without organize the referendum for self determination”, esplika embaisador Mohamed.

Mohamed esplika, movimentu ba libertasaun nasional iha nasaun rua (2) ne´e iha nia historia hanesan. Tanba lider historiku Sahara Osidental nian mate iha kombate kontra invazaun Maroko no lider historiku Timor – Leste nian mos mate iha kombate kontra invazaun Indonesia. Iha loron 20 Maio 1976, mosu Frente Polisario iha Sahara Osidental hodi kontra okupasaun Maroco. Frente Polisario ne’e lidera husi El Wali no iha loron 20 Maio 1974 mosu Asosiasaun Demokratika de Timor (ASDT) ne’ebe ikus mai transforma a’an ba FRETILIN. Movimentu rua ne´e hanesan de’it. Frente Polisario (Sahara Osidental) no FRETILIN (Timor – Leste) sai hanesan referensia ba luta no mate iha kombate laran.

Entretantu, iha tinan 1991 Organizasaun Nasoes Unidas (ONU) hahu ko’alia kona – ba referendum ba Sahara Osidental, maibe misaun ONU nian ne’e falla hodi lakonsege realiza referendum to’o ohin loron. Sahara Osidental to’o oras ne’e sei okupa hela husi administrasaun Monarkia Maroco.

“We in Western Sahara considare the Timorese as our brother. When Timor – Leste got resotarion of the independence, the very first decision was recognized Western Sahra as Sahrawi Democratic Republic. From that time, our diplomatic relation have been stronger,” esplika Mohamed.

Durante ne’e, organizasaun internasional sira halo protesta maka’as hasoru Estadu Monarkia Maroco tanba halo violasaun direitus humanus hasoru povu Sahara Osidental. Organizasaun internasional sira ne’ebe halo protesta hasoru Estadu Monarkia Maroco mak hanesan Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, World Organization Against Torture, Freedom House, Reporters Without Borders, International Committee of the Red Cross, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Derechos Human Rights, Defend International, Front Line, International Federation of Human Rights, Society for Threatened Peoples no Norwegian Refugee Council. (oki)

Timor Post print, pajina 18 edisaun Kinta 20 Outubru 2016.  

Monday, October 10, 2016

Deskonfia Motorista Nakfilak ba Asesor IT, Kada Fulan Manan U$ 1000 Resin

DILI – Deskonfia motorista ida iha Gabinete Primeiru – Ministru (GPM) nian derepente nakfilak tiha ba serbisu asesor Information and Technology (IT) nian.

Tuir dokumentu kontratu serbisu ne’ebe Timor Post iha katak Claudio Cristovao Giri husi Bobonaro, moris iha loron 2/02/1985, fou – foun asina kontratu ho pozisaun motorista ho nia salariu kada fulan mak U$ 166,00. Kontratu primeiru ba pozisaun motorista ne’e asina husi Diresaun Nasional Rekursu Humanu GPM nian no Diresaun Jeral.

Data inisiu kontratu pozisaun kondutor ne’e hahu iha loron 15 Maio 2015 no foin remata iha loron 31 Jullu 2015.

“Ami sente no hare hakfodak tebes. Fou – foun nia mai iha ne’e tur bilang de’it iha odamatan oin ne’e, tanba nia mak lori xefe gabinete Primeiru – Ministru nia kareta, maibe derepente de’it ami hare ema ne’e sai fali asesor hodi mana osan bo’ot. Ema balun dehan ema ne’e xefe gabinete nia familia,” hatete fontes ida bainhira entrega dokumentu kontratu motorista ba Timor Post iha Palasiu Governu, Kuarta (13/01).

Fontes ne’e hatutan, staff IT sira uluk iha GPM ne’e konsidera Claudio Cristovao Giri laiha abilidade profisional kona – ba serbisu IT , maibe ho poder xefe gabinete, Lourdes DC Sanches nian derepente muda tiha nia ba kargu asesor hodi manan osan bo’ot.

“Ne’e krime nepotizmu no abuzu poder, tanba hatama familia ba serbisu, maibe laiha kapasidade ida. A’at liutan promove nian ba kargu asesor. Tanba ne’e mak ami husu ba Inspesaun Jeral Estadu (IJE) no Komisaun Anti – Korupsaun (KAK) tenke loke investigasaun ba kazu ne’e,” ezije fontes ne’e.  

Entretantu, kontratu serbisu ba kargu Oficial de Help Desk, ICT Gabinete Primeiru – Ministru (GPM) nian asina husi xefe gabinete, Lourdes DC Sanches iha loron 1 Setembru 2015 ho salariu U$ 1, 055.56 kada fulan.

Hatan kona – ba kestaun ne’e, xefe gabinete Primeiru – Ministru, Lourdes DC Sanches argumenta, promosaun ne’e akontese, tanba Cristovao Giri hatudu nia serbisu di’ak durante fulan ida nia laran no iha esperiensia di’ak kona – ba serbisu IT nian. Tanba ne’e mak maske foin serbisu fulan ida de’it nu’udar motorist, maibe derepente promove ba pozisaun asesor IT nian no manan salariu U$ 1, 055.56 kada fulan.

“Primeiru ami haruka ba media, maibe…hhhmmm..…bele koalia ho David Montalvao, ha’u mos lahatene ida,” hatete xefe gabinete, Lourdes DC Sanches via telefone ba Timor Post, Kuarta (13/01).

Xefe gabinete ne’ebe manan salariu U$ 6000 kada fulan ne’e hatutan, David Montalvao ba rekruta Cristovao Giri, tanba hare nia iha kapasidade ba area IT nian.

“Ha’u mos persija kondutor ida, maibe kuandu bolu ba fali IT nian, ha’u nain mak lori kareta,” esplika Lourdes DC Sanches.

Tuir lista salariu asesor GPM nian ba area ITC kompostu husi ema nain tolu (3). Andre Felix Marques assume kargu Chefe de Departamento do Servico de ITC ho nia salariu U$ 3,833.33, Claudio Cristovao Giri assume kargu Koordenador ICT ho salariu U$ 1, 055.56 no Ermelita M. dos Santos assume kargu ITC ho nia salariu U$ 1,277.78. (oki)  

Timor Post Print, 14th of January 2016

KAK Investiga Ona Kazu “Nepotizmu” Iha GPM

DILI – Komisaun Anti – Korupsaun (KAK) hala’o ona prosesu investigasaun ba kazu deskonfia mosu nepotizmu iha Gabinete Primeiru – Ministru (GPM) nian.

“Depois informasaun ne’e publika sai ba publiku, lakleur KAK mos mai kedas iha Palasiu. KAK mai dala rua ona, maibe ami funsionariu bai – bain latama ba iha laran. Ami hatene hela KAK nia prezensa iha ne’e, maibe halo finze hanesan lahatene fali,” hatete staff GPM ida ba Timor Post iha Palasiu Governu Dili, Tersa (16/02).

Staff ne’e hatutan, hafoin informasaun ne’e sai ba iha publiku, Xefe Gabinete Primeiru – Ministru, Lourdes da Conceicao Sanches lor – loron hakilar hela de’it nia staff sira iha Palasiu Governu.

“Dala ida ami enkontru, nia koalia temi kona – ba ami nia uma laran, maibe iha kolega balun mak kontra nia iha tempu enkontru, tanba enkontru ne’e atu koalia kona – ba serbisu iha Palasiu Governu, la’os ba trata fali ema to’o ema nia uma laran mos koalia sai hotu. Ida ne’e ita la profisional, tanba Palasiu Governu ne’e ema hotu nian. La’os ema ida – rua nian,” esplika staff ne’e ho lian maka’as itoan.

Entretantu, expert Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Abel Pires da Silva hatete, imposivel tebes ba ema motorista ida ba serbisu fali iha area ICT ne’ebe komplikadu tebes, tanba hare husi Curriculum Vitae (CV) Claudio Cristovao Giri lahatudu kursu profisional kona – ba area ICT. Tanba ne’e husu ba instituisaun relevante tenke loke prosesu investigasaun hasoru xefe Gabinete Primeiru – Ministru (GPM) kona – ba kestaun ne’e.

Abel Pires da Silva ne’ebe hasai dotoramentu kona – ba Information System iha Australian National University (ANU) no hasai mestradu ICT iha Swinburne, Melbourne ne’e esplika, atu hili (rekruta) ema ruma ba area Information and Communication Technology tenke iha kapasidade di’ak, tanba ema ne’e antes nia sai help desk nia tenke iha konhesementu tekniku ne’ebe klean nomos iha abilidade atu halo liangua IT ne’e sai simples.

“Ne’ebe ida ne’ebe atu serbisu iha help desk ne’e tenke iha kapasidade a’as liutan ema IT bai – bain, tanba ema help desk ne’e iha hatene ona asesu ba ema nia dadus sira iha ema nia e – mail,” hatete expert ICT, Abel Pires da Silva ba Timor Post iha Peace Coffee, Dili Sabadu (23/01).

Maibe, realidade ne’ebe oras ne’e akontese iha Gabinete Primeiru – Ministru iha kondutor ida nakfilak ba ofisial help desk. Pior liutan ema ne’e laiha konhesementu baziku kona – ba saida mak help desk, maibe lahatene liu husi prosesu oinsa, nia bele ba serbisu fali iha area help desk.

“Ida ne’e halo ha’u hakfodak tebes bainhira rona maluk balun ne’ebe serbisu nu’udar motorista fulan 2 resin teki – teki sai fali ofisial help desk. Avaliasaun desempenho ne’e ba area motorista, la’os help desk,” kestiona Abel.

Nia hatutan, ema ne’ebe atu serbisu iha help desk ne’e, nia experiensia tenke liu dook ema IT bai – bain mak tama serbisu iha ne’eba, tanba help desk ne’e la’os hatene de’it hamoris no hamate lap top ka komputador, maibe tenke hatene hadia no hatene nia programa sira.

“Motorista mak laiha kursu ruma kona – ba area ICT nian, maibe bele serbisu iha help desk ne’e ita atu tanis ka hamnasa. Ha’u hanoin promosaun hanesan ne’e so akontese de’it iha Gabinete Primeiru – Ministru nian no uniku iha mundu,” esplika eis diretor IT UNTL ne’e.

Primeiru – Ministru, Rui Maria de Araujo hatun ona despaisu ida ba Inspesaun Jeral Estadu (IJE) hodi loke prosesu investigasaun ba prosesu rekrutamentu ofisial help desk ne’ebe deskonfia mosu iregulariedade no nepotizmu iha Gabinete Primeiru – Ministru (GPM) nian.

Bazeia ba karta despaisu Primeiru – Ministru nian ne’ebe Timor Post iha katak karta despaisu ne’e ho numeru referensia----/GPM/I/2016 ne’ebe hasai iha loron 18 Janeiru 2016 derije ba Inspetor Jeral ho nia konteudu mak tuir mai ne’e; kaer ba notisia ne’ebe fo sai iha Jornal Timor Post, iha loron 15 Janeiru 2016, hakarak husu ba Inspesaun Geral do Estado atu investiga no apura/estabelese faktu relasiona ho kestaun balun hanesan tuir mai ne’e:
  1. oin-sa prosesu rekrutamentu no kontratasaun ba ofisial help desk ne’ebe temi iha notisia? Loos duni katak prosesu kontratasaun ida ne’e iha iregulariedade no iha tendensia favorese membru familia/familiarizmu? Se iha duni irregulariedade, medida saida mak Gabinete Primeiru – Ministru tenke foti?
  2. Oin-sa/halo nusa mak informasaun kona – ba kontratu ida ne’e bele monu iha jornalista sira nia liman? Tanba ida ne’e la’os primeira vez iha Gabinete Primeiru – Ministru, medida saida mak tenke foti atu dokumentu ho karakter rezervadu, iha instituisaun Estado nian, labele fo sai ba publiku? No mos medida saida mak persiza foti atu funsionariu sira bele respeita sira nia obrigasaun kona – ba sigilo?
Aproveita mos oportunidade atu fo hanoin ba Sr Inspetor Geral, katak Gabinete Primeiru – Ministru sei nafatin hein rezultadu husi investigasaun ba dokumentu ne’ebe monu ba jornalista nia liman iha fulan Setembru 2015.

Ba ita bo’ot nia atensaun no kolaborasaun ha’u hato’o obrigadu uain.
Ho respeitu tomak,
Dr. Rui Maria de Araujo
Primeiru – Ministru.   

Entretantu, tuir dokumentu kontratu serbisu ne’ebe Timor Post iha katak Claudio Cristovao Giri husi Bobonaro, moris iha loron 2/02/1985, fou – foun asina kontratu ho pozisaun motorista ho nia salariu kada fulan mak U$ 166,00. Kontratu primeiru ba pozisaun motorista ne’e asina husi Diresaun Nasional Rekursu Humanu GPM nian no Diresaun Jeral. Data inisiu kontratu pozisaun kondutor ne’e hahu iha loron 15 Maio 2015 no foin remata iha loron 31 Jullu 2015.

Entretantu, kontratu serbisu ba kargu Oficial de Help Desk, ICT Gabinete Primeiru – Ministru (GPM) nian asina husi xefe gabinete, Lourdes DC Sanches iha loron 1 Setembru 2015 ho salariu U$ 1, 055.56 kada fulan. Kontratu ne’e sei termina iha loron 30 Setembru 2016. 

Hatan kona – ba kestaun ne’e, xefe gabinete Primeiru – Ministru, Lourdes Da Conceicao Sanches argumenta, promosaun ne’e akontese, tanba Cristovao Giri hatudu nia serbisu di’ak durante fulan ida nia laran no iha esperiensia di’ak kona – ba serbisu ICT nian. Tanba ne’e mak maske foin serbisu fulan ida de’it nu’udar motorist, maibe derepente promove ba pozisaun asesor ICT nian no manan salariu U$ 1, 055.56 kada fulan.

“Primeiru ami haruka ba media, maibe…hhhmmm..…bele koalia ho David Montalvao, ha’u mos lahatene ida,” hatete xefe gabinete, Lourdes Da Conceicao Sanches via telefone ba Timor Post, Kuarta (13/01).

Xefe gabinete ne’ebe manan salariu U$ 6000 kada fulan ne’e hatutan, David Montalvao mak rekruta Cristovao Giri, tanba hare nia iha kapasidade ba area ICT nian.

“Ha’u mos persija kondutor ida, maibe kuandu bolu ba fali ICT nian, ha’u nain mak lori kareta,” esplika Lourdes DC Sanches.

Tuir dokumentu ida ho nia numeru 824/GPM/VI/2015 ne’ebe hasai iha loron 22 Junu 2015 ho assuntu pedido para o processamento do contrato do funcionario recrutado pela Unidade do Governo Electronico ICT ne’e asina husi xefe gabinete, Lourdes Da Conceicao Sanches.

Kona – ba kestaun ne’e mos, deskonfia mosu pratika nepotizmu iha prosesu promosaun ba funsionariu ne’e, tanba Claudio Cristovao Giri nia Inan mak Gisela Da Conceicao Sanches no xefe gabinete Primeiru – Ministru, mak Lourdes Da Conceicao Sanches ne’ebe mesak mai husi Bobonaro de’it. Claudio Cristovao Giri nia Aman mak Putu Budarma Giri ne’ebe kaben ho Gisela Da Conceicao Sanches.

Curriculum Vitae Claudio Cristovao Giri ne’ebe Timor Post iha katak nia lisensiadu iha area ekonomia husi Duta Wacana Christian University (UKDW) Yogyakarta, Indonesia ne’ebe foin remata iha Janeiru 2012. Antes ne’e entre tinan 2007 to’o 2010 tuir kursu Ingles iha UKDW, husi 2004 to’o 2005 involve iha Graduate of Youth Office Skills Training Program World Vision. Maske iha sertifikadu lobuk ida kona – ba kursu profisional oi – oin, maibe laiha sertifikadu ida kona – ba area ICT nian. Nia ema ekonomista, maibe bele kontrata nia ba serbisu iha area ICT GPM nian ho salariu bo’ot, maske laiha konhesementu klean kona – ba saida mak serbisu ICT.

Tuir lista salariu asesor GPM nian ba area ICT kompostu husi ema nain tolu (3). Andre Felix Marques assume kargu Chefe de Departamento do Servico de ICT ho nia salariu U$ 3,833.33, Claudio Cristovao Giri assume kargu Koordenador ICT ho salariu U$ 1, 055.56 no Ermelita M. dos Santos assume kargu ICT ho nia salariu U$ 1,277.78.

Kazu ne’e agora tama ona iha KAK nia liman no Inspesaun Jeral Estadu (IJE), maibe to’o oras ne’e seidauk hetan rezultadu final husi instituisaun rua ne’e. (oki)    

Timor Post print, 17th of February 2016   

Timor-Leste's Prime-Minister offers his resignation Prime-Minister Timor-Leste Taur Matan Ruak. Dili, Timor-Leste - Prime Ministe...