Faktus Timor-Leste

Thursday, June 22, 2017

East Timor Police Successfully arrested inmates from Bali

DILI – East Timorese general police commander Julio da Costa Hornay acknowledged that the police criminal investigation and maritime police had arrested fugitive prisoners from Bali's Indonesian prison on Wednesday morning in Dili, East Timor.

He added that these two citizens were illegally entering Timor Leste. They used small boats from Alor island to Dili.

"We also get a letter from the Indonesian police (POLRI) that these foreigners are running out of Bali prison so they are asking for our help to arrest these inmates," he says in a press conference in his office.

He explains, after the process of arresting the criminal investigation police directly reported to the high prosecutor's office and the prosecutor's office has also given mandate to the police to conduct a more detailed investigation process in accordance with applicable law in Timor Leste.

"The investigation police will also cooperate with Indonesian police on this case and we have also called the POLRI attaché at the Indonesian embassy. He has come here and admitted that these two men are inmates who came out of Bali prison,” he says.

He explains, about the deportation process or not, still awaiting the results of investigations from the police criminal investigation and mandate from the high prosecutor's office. Two inmates who have been captured by Timor-Leste's criminal investigation police and maritime police are from Bulgarian and Indian citizens.

According to Julio that, the two inmates were allegedly involved in the case of money laundering and narcotics.

He added that they can not mention their names because they are still in the process of further investigation.
 The tunnel through which the Kerobokan inmates escaped. Photo: Supplied

Bali police's vice-director of Special Criminal Investigation, Ruddi Setiawan, said Indonesian authorities had arranged to pick the men up soon.

"We are still searching for the other two," he said.
Mr Setiawan said the Bali police chief would make a formal announcement after the two men had been picked up.

The prisoners had staged a brazen escape from Kerobokan jail via a hole in the wall of their prison block and a 13-metre tunnel, which had been assumed to be a septic tank.

Bali corrections chief Surung Pasaribu said "Praise God" when he learned of the prisoners' arrest.

Earlier Mr Pasaribu had said the tunnel, dug under the noses of the prison guards, was believed to be the work of professionals, expressing incredulity there was no evidence of digging.
"There was no left over dirt. So professionals. Hopefully we can uncover the matter," said Mr Pasaribu. 
Bulgarian Dimitar Nikolov Iliev is one of the two escaped convicts who has been arrested, Indonesian police say. Photo: Amilia Rosa
He said the "professionals" could have come from inside or outside the jail. "When I asked my officers, they didn't know there was a hole there."

Mr Pasaribu warned the men would face further charges for damaging property after they broke a hole in the ceiling of the Bedugul block sometime before 8am on Monday.
Under Indonesian law the maximum penalty for property damage is two years and eight months' jail, but escaping from prison does not result in an increased sentence.
However, any remissions for good behavior would be revoked and they would be placed back in the "introduction cells", which are the most cramped in the chronically overcrowded jail.
 Asked if they would be put into solitary confinement - the notorious cell tikus (rat cell) in Kerobokan jail, Mr Pasaribu said: "Let's wait for them to return. Don't make them afraid".
Australian man Shaun Davidson is still on the run.
In an interview with Fairfax Media last September, Davidson said when he first got to the jail 20 people were crammed inside the cells allocated to new prisoners. They were not even given a mat.
"No beds, no nothing, you don't get given anything. Just like concrete floors. In the corner they have got a bit blocked off where there is a hole in the ground. That's pretty much the toilet and the shower," he said at the time.

However perversely it appears Davidson was hopeful of extending his stay in Hotel K, as the jail is colloquially known.
Outstanding warrants remain for the 33-year-old, who failed to show up at the Perth Magistrates Court in 2015 on charges of possessing methamphetamine and cannabis with intent to sell or supply.
"It's quite simple. He didn't want to come back to Australia and do more jail time," a former inmate told Fairfax Media.
"I spent a lot of time with those guys. The breakout is no surprise to me."
 Bulgarian Dimitar Nikolev Iliev after being arrested in East Timor.  Photo: Supplied

Kerobokan Prison governor Tonny Nainggolan said he had been informed of the arrests and the return of the men was still being coordinated.
He said an internal investigation into the breakout was still being concluded and would soon be handed over to police.
To date no-one had admitted to assisting the prisoners escape. 

Bali escapee Sayed Mohammed Said after being arrested in East Timor. Photo: Supplied  
Sayed Mohammed Said, top, has been caught while Tee Kok King (bottom) is still on the run. Photo: Amilia Rosa

Mr Tonny said police would investigate if anyone from the outside had been involved, a crime that carried a four year jail sentence, possibly more if bribery was involved.

As for the escapees, Mr Tonny said several of their rights would be "eliminated", including access to visitors, remission and parole.

"Isolation cells, that's for sure," he said.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Intelijen KAK Investiga Ona Materiál Eleisaun Prezidensiál

DILI – Komisaun Anti – Korupsaun (KAK) oras ne’e hala’o hela prosesu investigasaun ba materiál eleisaun prezidensiál ne’ebé foin to’o iha Timor – Leste, tanba deskonfia fó prezuizu (kerugian) ba Estadu.

“Ami nia intelijen KAK nian hahu ona atu halo prosesu investigasaun ba assuntu ne’e,” hatete investigador KAK nian ida ba Timor Post iha edifisiu KAK, Farol – Dili, Sesta (02/06).

“Ohin mós ha’u husu ona parte Alfandega nian atu lori dokumentu balun mai iha KAK,” esplika investigador ne’e.

Entretantu, Vise Ministru Administrasaun Estatal, Tomás do Rosario Cabral lahatene no laiha koñesementu kona-ba prosesu loke tenderizasaun kona-ba eleisaun prezidensiál no parlamentár nian.

Vise Ministru Administrasaun Estatal, Tomás do Rosario Cabral rasik lahatene, tanba osan ba aloka ba hola sasan mós hosi dotasaun todo governo.

“Ha’u lahatene, tanba osan ba ida ne’e mai hosi dotasaun do governu, sira ba reuniaun de’it mós ha’u lahatene, ha’u la’ós aprovijionamentu, ha’u vise ministitru, ha’u laiha urusan ho ida ne’e, ne’ebé ko’alia ho mana sira be aprovijionamentu ne’e,” dehan Tomás Cabral, Kuarta (31/5).

Vise MAE ne’e rekoñese eleisaun prezidensiál iha loron 20 fulan Marsu hamosu konfuzaun, tanba lakon autoridade.

“Tuur lakohi tún ba haree, prosesu ne’e ha’u-nia tempu, uluk ne’e ha’u tún ba buka tuir,  tanba ne’e eleisaun ba parlamentár laiha ona falla, tanba ha’u tún fila-fali para enkoraja sira para servisu la’o,” dehan nia.

Sasan hirak ne’e importa liuhosi ró kompañia DAYA KALTIM BAHAGIA, Surabaya, Indonézia ho marka Motor Vessel AYA-3 (MV AYA-3).

Kompañia Indonézia ne’e rasik ninia sanak (cabang) iha Timor-Leste mak kompañia ARIANA Ocean Agency.

Maibé kompañia Indonézia ne’e hatama ekipamentu sira ne’e atraka iha pontekais iha loron 26 fulan marsu 2017, maibé eleisaun prezidensiál realiza iha loron 20 fulan Marsu, entaun sasan sira ne’e la zua.

Ró ne’e aranka hosi Surabaya iha loron 18 fulan Marsu no to’o ’o iha Dili 26 fulan Marsu ho kontainer hamutuk 106  inklui tula ho material eleisaun prezidensiál no parlamentár nian.

Situasaun ne’e halo STAE triste, tanba eleisaun prezidensiál ne’e rasik realiza iha loron 20 fulan-Marsu, maibé ekipamentu hirak to’o ’o iha Dili iha loron 26 fulan Marsu.

“Kompañia tenke responsabilidade tuir deadline ne’ebé maka aprovijionamentu fó, agora ita-nia prosesu hatete  katak, sasan hotu-hotu tenke to’o ’o semana rua antes de eleisaun, semana ida tenke verifika iha nasionál, semana ida verifika iha munisípiu antes desloka ba sentru votasaun, agora liu tiha eleisaun maka mai, STAE laiha komentáriu,” Diretór Jerál Sekretariadu Tékniku Administrasaun Eleitorál, Acilino Manuel Branco ba Timor Post iha Kaikoli, Kuarta (31/05).

Tuir nia, kompañia asina ona kontratu tenke asegura kualidade sasan sira ne’e no tenke haree mós tempo ne’ebé mak determina.

Nia dehan, iha momentu ne’e, kompañia simu tiha konfiansa, maibé kompañia rasik la kumpri nia resposabilidade.

“Farda ne’e, ita STAE la simu, tanba hakerek eleisaun prezidensiál, ita simu halo saida, agora ita ba eleisaun parlamentár foin mai,” afirma Diretór Jerál STAE.

Sekretáriu Ezekutivu Komisaun Nasionál Eleisoens (CNE), Bernardo Cardoso hatete , kazu ne’e la’ós CNE nia servisu, maibé governu nia servisu, di’ak liu prosesu kazu ne’e ba tribunal.

“Ha’u labele komentáriu ba ida ne’e, tanba kazu ne’e iha ona tribunal. Ami-nia supervizaun katak, iha eleisaun prezidensiál, hatudu brigada sira laiha kamizola, laiha karimbu, tanba  ne’e maka iha eleisaun prezidensiál ne’e uza de’it karimbu uluk nian, maibé eleisaun ne’e konsege implementa eleisaun prezidensiál ho di’ak no rezultadu, ita iha ona Prezidente Repúblika ,” informa Sekretáriu Ezekutivu Komisaun Nasionál Eleisoens.

Kapitaun Portu Dili, Alberto Pereira haktuir, ró DAYA KALTIM BAHAGIA ne’e hanesan ró komérsial ho Motor Vessel AYA-3 (MV AYA -3) ne’ebé halo kooperasaun hosi ajénsia ARIANA iha TL.

Antes ne’e, Xefe Unidade Aprovjzionamentu Ministériu Administrasaun Estatal, Micaela Ximenes hatete, tuir rezolusaun Konsellu Ministru 05/2017 fulan Janeiru loke tenderizasaun ba públiku atu kompañia sira tuir tender hola sasan eleisaun nia hanesan kamizola, xapeu ba Brigada sira no karimbu ba eleisaun Prezidensiál no Parlamentár tinan 2017. Tenderizasaun ne’e rasik deskonfia manán hosi kompañia AL ho PUDL.

“Ami fó ba kompañia AL hatama uniforme eleisaun prezidensiál, maibé nia la hatama hotu, tanba razaun sasan balun mai ho aviaun no balun mai ho ró, maibé eleisaun liu ona maka sasan balun hanesan xapeu ba Brigada sira mai tarde no funsionáriu STAE nia osan ba kamizola 1,500 no xapeu 10.00, tanba ne’e totál hamutuk $15,000.00,” Micaela Ximenes informa ba Timor Post iha nia kna’ar fatin, Kaikoli, Tersa (30/5)
Nune’e mós kamizola no xapeu ba Ofisiál Eleitorál 10.O00 X 125,000,00 totál hamutuk $ 140,000.00, entaun ba Kompañia AL  ona prosesu pagamentu ba sira.

“Tanba sira nia sasan hanesan kamizola no xapeu balun STAE simu ona ne’e maka ita fó pagamentu, balun ho totál hamutuk 44,221,50 tuir uniforme ne’ebé STAE simu, tanba ne’e ita la halo pagamentu tan,” tenik Xefe Unidade  Aprovizionamentu MAE ne’e.

Nia esplika, kona-ba karimbu nia ne’e Kompañia PDUL hola karimbu ho osan hamutuk 1,200.

Maibé karimbu kanseladu ne’ebé nia kuantidade 1,000, karimbu votu branku kuantidade 1,000, karimbu la uza 1,000, karimbu reklamadu 1,000, Karimbu rezeitadu 1,000, karimbu votu nulu 1,000, karimbu abandonadu 1,000. Ne’e inklui hotu ba eleisaun Prezidensiál no Parlamentár.

Tuir loloos ne’e kompañia PUDL ho AL mak sala, tanba importa sasan mai la imforma ba ró na’in katak, sasan hirak urjente, maibé to’o ’o iha Administrasaun Portus de Timor-Leste (APORTIL) foin deskobre katak, iha ró laran iha sasan kona-ba uniforme ba eleisaun prezidensiál no parlamentár, maibé tempu ba eleisaun prezidensiál liu tiha ona.

Kazu ne’e halo Na’in ba Ariana Oceano Agency, Constâncio Xavier Guterres sente triste, tanba ajénsia laiha kontratu ida ho kompañia no governu.

Maibé Ministériu Publiku hatún notifikasaun hodi prende ró ne’ebé atraka iha portu Dili no labele halo operasaun hosi TL ba Indonézia.

“Ha’u preokupa tanba ekipamentu ne’ebé ami-nia ró tula hosi Indonézia mai Timor- Leste, ne’e ami lahatene katak sasan sira ne’e ba eleisaun Prezidensiál nian, tanba ema ne’ebé maka halo kompras iha Indonézia hodi haruka sasan ne’e liuhosi ha’u-nia ró ne’e sira la esplika mai ha’u katak ne’e sasan eleisaun nian,” tenik nia.

“Ami iha manifestu sasan nian iha kontainer duni katak, karimbu, kamizola ho xapeu, maibé sira la hatete katak ne’e sasan eleisaun nian. Sé mometu ne’e maka kompañia (coctumer hosi kompañia PDUL ho AL) ne’e esplika mai ami katak sasan urujente, ami la tula, tanba sasan urrjente,“ esklarese Na’in ba Kompañia ARIANA ne’e.

Tanba ne’e, Na’in ba Kompañia ARIANA ne’e husu ba gvernu atu buka meius no halo julgamentu lalais ba kazu ne’e, tanba ró para de’it lakon prezuiju barak.

Tuir lei marítima nia ne’e kona-ba International Maritime Organization (IMO) katak, ró ida kuandu halo operasaun ba nasaun ne’ebé de’it hetan intervensaun0, entaun ró ne’e lori armamentu hanesan kilat, droga no bomba, ne’e ita kontra nasaun nia regras, entaun tenke prende duni. (oki/cio)

A version of this article appears in print on June 5th, 2017, on page 1 of the Timor Post edition with the headline: Intelijénsia KAK Investiga Materiál Eleisaun Prezidensiál.  

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